Greenhouse Watering & Lighting Systems
Extending the growing season to a year-round operation is possible with the use of the right greenhouse lighting system. Nurturing the water needs for all you grow in your beautiful new greenhouse is a task essential to ensure plant life reaches its full potential.
Greenhouse Watering Systems That Bring Your Plants To Life
Nurturing the water needs for all you grow in your beautiful new greenhouse is a task essential to ensure plant life reaches its full potential. Turn the task into a treat, with this tidy and neat watering system tucked away until you need it.
Harnessing Mother Nature
Collection of water from a guttering system on the greenhouse fills the artfully disguised water barrel, and the pump system provides all the pressure you need to reach those high hanging baskets with a hose, or you can simply fill a bucket or watering can from the lower spigot to carry farther afield. There is nothing better than recycling what Mother Nature kindly provides.
No Fuss. No Stress.
Simple but effective, you can water away to your heart’s delight. This greenhouse irrigation system addresses all your watering needs in one place without fuss. No need to lug water back and forth from the house, navigate large containers in and out of the kitchen sink without breaking the faucet, or trying to remember to constantly wind and unwind hose pipes from the outside house spigot every time the mower comes buzzing around to cut the lawn.
Take advantage of the professional agricultural grower’s methods
Light Up Your Greenhouse!
Extending the growing season to a year-round operation is possible with the use of the right greenhouse lighting system.
Keeping the lights on not only makes your greenhouse a pretty garden feature when viewed from outside, it also serves the practical purpose during winter months of helping to keep the interior temperature of the greenhouse less variable if lights are switched on at night.
And of course, you can feel free to potter about and enjoy the peace and quiet of your greenhouse after a busy workday or early in the morning before the stressors of a hectic family life kick off.
Greenhouse Lighting Systems Offer A Versatile Approach To Harvesting Best Crops
The benefits of adding a lighting system go beyond being able to maximize plant growth without the interruption of lack of sunlight on cloudy days. A variety of plants can be grown throughout the year without limitation of ‘dead of winter’ days where shorter daylight hours would otherwise preclude growing and harvesting herbs, veggies, flowers, or plants.
Owning a light system within the greenhouse allows you to take advantage of the professional agricultural grower’s methods of managing both light addition and deprivation techniques to develop a truly year-round growing season and not only results in a better-quality harvest but also produces a better yield.
Fashion Your Lights However You Wish
Consider adding greenhouse grow lights to enhance the speed and development of new cuttings, seedlings, and transplants. Or you may choose to set the tone with soft colored lighting to bring both the practicality of extending the time you can work in the greenhouse and also adding ambience to the garden.
Night lighting in a greenhouse also adds a security feature to your backyard and helps keep unwanted critter visitors at bay.