Large Chicken Coops for Sale

8 x 10 Chicken Mansion

This 8×10 chicken coop adds style and visual appeal to your property while housing 30-40 hens. Buy this chicken mansion for your hens from Horizon Structures.

Large 8x10 Chicken Coop - 30 to 40 chickens.

The newest and largest addition to our line of pre-built chicken coops for sale! You’ll see many similarities between “The Chicken Mansion” and it’s sister coop, the Plain-Jane “8×8.” If you want a little more style and visual appeal, get a tricked-out large chicken coop like this one. Try adding a 1 gallon chicken waterer to your coop. 

“I was debating between the “Plain Jane” and the “Mansion”… and decided on the “Mansion”. It met more of my needs and my wife liked the way it looked. Half of our birds are guineas which are free range. That’s why I upgraded to get the Dusk-to-Dawn door so I didn’t have to worry about rounding them up every night. The other half are Rhode Island Reds which will scratch up my wife’s flower beds- so I keep them in the run. The birds are separated inside the coop with a wire partition. There’s also a chicken door that I can open up to let the chickens go back and forth if I want. Thanks to Horizon Structures, I was able to customize to get exactly what I wanted!” Dave S. from Altoona , PA

CUSTOMIZE! Inside and Out

If you’ve studied the details of the pictures of this big chicken coop you may have noticed some things that you haven’t seen on any of the other chicken coops for sale on our web site.

That’s because we’ve taken this backyard chicken coop to the extreme and added practically every chicken coop and run option we offer. A true backyard chicken enthusiast will easily recognize the convenience and practicality of all these coop upgrades. This is the personal chicken coop of Horizon Structures’ owner, Dave Zook.  And below is his story…

Dave's Dilemma

“I wanted to keep both chickens and guineas. Each type of bird had different needs…”

“Because I live out in the country and my property is surrounded by fields and wooded areas, I purchased the guinea hens primarily for “pest control”.

I wanted to be able to let them free-range on my property and return to the safety of the chicken coop at night.

Their job is to eat all the bugs, ticks and weed seeds around my home and garden without tearing up the flower beds.” “We got the chickens mainly for the eggs.

Again, living on a rural property has it’s challenges. I knew our birds would be vunerable to foxes, racoons and hawks.

Predators were one reason I wanted a chicken run. The other reason? If given the chance, those birds can do alot of damage to a flower bed!”

Chicken mansion - 30 to 40 hens.

All About Eggs

This 8×10 chicken coop is shown with optional chicken run, chicken tractor and automatic Dawn-to-Dusk door.  Collecting the eggs isn’t a chore – takes just minutes a day. The 8 x 10 “Coop Mansion”, with its easily accessible nest boxes, works on the same principle as all our other coops. 

You don’t have to go into the large chicken coop to get the eggs… Simply lift the panel and reach inside.

Interior *Look* inside this coop

 In order to provide coast-to-coast delivery of our small chicken coops, we MAY require the services of a commercial carrier. This means that your coop MAY arrive via a large tractor trailer truck.  Please call us at 888-447-4337 if you have concerns about the truck accessing your property. We will work with you to the best of our ability to make the delivery; however, your assistance may be needed in some instances.

Horizon Structures’ large chicken coops for sale are delivered fully-assembled and ready for same-day use. Coop pricing includes placement.

This is not a kit or just chicken coop plans

DELIVERED FULLY ASSEMBLED and ready for Same Day Use

  • Large enough for 30 – 40 chickens.
  • 2 x 4 wooden roost bars are included.
  • Perfectly sized for chickens to grip easily.
  • Squared off edges make it comfortable for birds to perch on.
  • Securely mounted to the wall and elevated.



Customization is the Answer!

  • Coop is divided into 2 sections. One section for each type of bird.
  • Each section has its own nest boxes, roost bars and chicken door.
  • The chicken side of the coop has an extra large chicken run. Hens are kept out of the flower beds and safe from hawks, foxes and racoons.
  • The guinea side of the coop has its own door and ramp. Birds are free to come and go at will.
  • The entire big chicken coop is mounted on a chicken tractor.
  • The addition of a special hitch allows the family to relocate the coop with a riding lawn mower to give all the birds fresh grass for foraging.
  • The cupola and weathervane are a head-turning addition!