Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Pedal and Ponder Thoughts from the Saddle
While logging miles on my bicycle the other day I started to think about the living quarters for my bike vs. a horse.
Now while this may seem trivial to most, we must remember that not all horses and not all bicycles have ideal places to stay. If horses were all treated as they should be we would not hear about the horror stories of how they managed before they were helped out of their bad situation and in to a loving horse rescue to be adopted and appreciated the way they should be. And indeed the same could be said about bicycles. Some of them are purchased for the true love of the sport and may have been a person’s first gateway to freedom and independence, but then sadly when they became a burden to have around and were deemed no longer useful to the owner, they were simply discarded.
A Horse Stall may seem simple to most but they can be quite decorative with oak around the sides and even a feeder to have hay or water available conveniently. In addition, a Dutch Door out the back of the stall that can be left open during the summer and fall months to have easy access to their pasture. Or a V yoke grille front to make it easy for them to look out of the barn or in to the aisle to say good morning. Not to mention stall mats and some nice bedding for comfort makes a pretty nice living space.
If you are a bicycle it may not be quite the same. While I would not hang my bike from it’s wheel it spends it’s time suspended from a 5 dollar hook (padded of course) that keeps it off the concrete floor to preserve it’s tires which can cost a fair amount.
Rather than feeders or water buckets a bike simply asks for a bit of lubricant and a good wax job to keep things in order.
And while a horse will wait patiently to spend time with you so does a bicycle, both of them only seeking your input to give them some time away from chewing grass or just hanging around with nothing to do.
What am I to take away from this comparison of horses vs. bikes you may ask?
If you have the means to donate to a horse rescue organization or volunteer your time to make a horses or any animals life a better one you should do so. Likewise, if you see a bicycle or have one that isn’t needed anymore, there are many groups out there that accept donations to provide transportation to people who can’t afford a car or even to a child who is ready to enjoy their first shot at the freedom and independence a bicycle can provide.