With the Spring in full cry and the sound of birds waking most of us up as early as 3:45 am we all know that it’s time to open up the garage for business.
Why now you say? Well with the winters around our area here in PA we aren’t having or haven’t seen a decent snow storm in a year or two so the snow blower has been sitting idle for most of the winter. And the rock salt sits in it’s bucket just waiting to be used but alas not so this season.
But what’s this? Finally after what seemed like a very long and windy and cold but somewhat uneventful winter we are starting to see the sun and some slightly more mild temperatures. Which means? You guessed it. It’s time to open up the garage.
Men and Women rejoice in the fact that here comes the mower, the trimmer, leaf blowers, potting soil and digging tools. It’s time to break out the tomato cages etc. etc. Once again the motorcycle sees the light of day and we are ready to save some gas and have a bit of fun at the same time.
Ok, you get it. I’m glad it’s spring too.
But most of all we just had the Spring at Carlisle car show a couple weeks ago which means it’s time to think about options for the garage and what can you use that space for.
At car shows it’s all about raised roofs that can accommodate 4 post lifts and stack lifts for project cars and those sweet rides that don’t see rain.
It’s time to think about door placement and how many windows and where. Think about 2nd floor storage and man cave space. Shingle roof or metal roof?
Do you need a wood floor to protect those tires? Or is it concrete for you. You make the choice and we help with the dream.
Just give a click and build your garage with the features that work for you.
Or give us a call and we can walk you through the process.
Have a great spring. And keep the door open for a bit when you pull the motorcycle in at the end of the day. Momma may like to ride but she usually doesn’t like the fumes.